So I thought I’d try out a new live casino, Longharbour Live Casino, as it runs Global Gaming Labs Live casino software and I’d been hearing good things about it.
Longhabour are a relatively new online casino and I came across them at ICE conference in February 2014. It’s taken me a while to sign up but I fancied a change in scenery and I always like trying out somewhere new!.
The signup process was straightforward enough and I was able to deposit using my debit card. So I chucked in £100 with the intention of playing Blackjack at £5 a hand for a while.
Normally with the RTP (Return To Player) percentage for blackjack being in the high 90% £100 normally lasts me a good couple of hours with careful basic strategy play.
I play the first 5 hands and lose everyone, not one bust, just getting 18 – 20 on most hands and the dealer beating me. Not to worry I think, the law of averages says I’ll get a win in a minute. I lose the next 3 hands, and then get a push on a blackjack! and a 19. I’m now down to my last £30, as I had doubled a few times and had a split. Next 3 hands I lose!! That’s 13 hands and no win.! Normally when it’s going that way I suck it up, pick up my chips and move on, but I was determined to win at least one hand or bust out my bank roll. I’d been playing for about 20 minutes.
I’m now down to my last £15. I bet £5 and win!! Right this is it I thought, the shoe has turned for me, so I double my bet. Next hand I win! So I double my bet again, I win! I now reduce my bet to double my initial bet £10 and win! I double again and win! I keep going on this cycle winning and losing until my bank roll is £400. I’ve now played for about an hour and half so decide not to ride my luck and call it a day, £300 up!!
I don’t think I’ve experienced that sort of negative run before without having one winning hand. It was almost unbelievable to watch the dealer pull out 5’s when he had 16 or flip a 7 over when he’s showing 4. I know it happens and have experienced it, but still it’s difficult to comprehend.
So I cash out and make my withdrawal request. Somewhat inevitably I get an email asking for verification documents so they can perform their KYC (Know Your Customer) checks. I duly email them off, as I have them all ready from previous requests, when I get another email saying they want a photograph of me holding my passport open! First time for everything I guess. All checks were passed and I got my money within a few days, so no worries there.
Apart for the obvious scare I got from my initial hands I really enjoyed the experience of playing at Longharbour. The live casino is actually located in Costa Rica, so has a very Latin feel about it. There was plenty of noise and an obvious excitement about the place because of the World Cup. The software was very good, responded well and had all the features I’ve come to expect. I’ll certainly go back and play there again, but its’s one of the places that you need to visit when you’re in the right mood. I don’t think it will suit players that like a quite time!